Finally, the Sayanistas' most awaited moment had come to an action, Intramurals 2011. Thanks to Ate Chastine, the school sports club's president, with the help of the YSC members and officers, this occasion would not be pursued.
Last Friday, first day of Intrams - The agenda started with a short program that morning. During this program, the representatives of each level for the Mr. and Ms. Physique ramped around the whole court. The cheer-dance competition was put through afterward. After that, the games began. I wasn't able to watch the morning games straight, especially the basketball boys because I was assigned to assist in the throwing events. Good thing that event was held in front of the Maliksi Building so I was able to take a peek on the game. In the afternoon, Table Tennis girls division started. I was included at that game. They let me play the singles, while our other two players, Eunice and Rachelle, played in the doubles. Michael, and some of my other batch-mates was there not just to support me, but also to support our team, Red Ferrari. Luckily, I won against the player of Blue Porsche, fourth years, and Yellow Lamborghini, second years. So to sum up, I was declared champion in that division. Whew..
Saturday, second day of Intrams - Honestly, I went to school a little bit late that day. Hehe. That is because I was expecting that day would be slightly boring since the game where I was included was already through. Yet, I tried to make the day memorable. I watched other events with Michael and Nica. We also supported Nica when they played the Patintero and won the first rank. I was able to watch the championship of the Basketball boys as well. The three of us were together but then, Nica left so it was only me and Michael who spent the rest of the day. Then, that afternoon, there was Basketball girls! I suddenly realized that one of our players doesn't actually like to play, so I volunteered instead. Thus, I was team up with the players. We won over the Green Chevrolet, first years, but unfortunately, the Blue Porsche defeated us. And I also got not one, but two wounds in my both knees. Good thing Marcson was there, lol, the medic who assisted Ma'am May to apply first aid in the injured parts. That moment, I felt I was like a kid again because I was very unsteady before. Yet, even though I dove-without-water in the court, I still enjoyed the game. Congrats Siñors!
I hope to have another awesome Intrams next year. Well, good luck to the next YSC president. ;)