Friday, October 7, 2011

Second parents.

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
William Arthur Ward

     It's World Teacher's Day! People all over around the world celebrate this special day. This is the right time for us students, to thank them for everything that they have done for us, their advices, stories shared, knowledge, patience, understanding, support and most of all, those precious times that they have spent for teaching us and those tireless moments being with us for 10 months. No other person could ever do such outstanding work just to let their students learn. They deserve this special celebration for everyone to realize that all their teachers' exhaustion and weariness is offered for us to be successful in our future.

     I know, time will come that we have to say goodbye to our beloved teachers. But even though we only spent about a quarter of our life with them still, I'll miss them cause they have been a part of my life. Thank you, Teachers! We salute you.

"You must be sick of seeing me
All this time--five days a week.
I'll just cut to the chase and say
thanks for everything, Teach!"

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